Thought I'd die but I'm still here

Kind of like picking up your longneck beer bottle after using the restroom, taking a swig, and realizing someone put a cigarette out in your beer?

Here's one even better! My brother-in-law used to drive cement truck and was delivering a load to a job site. The cement contractor was there and was talking to "hard luck Charlie" that everyone knew. He was trying to get somebody to give him $10 or $20, since he was broke and needed money. The cement contractor told him he would give him $20 to drink the half full Mountain Dew spit bottle in his hand and he did it! Everyone was puking before that one was done!!! LOL!
Iv done that on more than one occasion by accident of course.
I got a funny story about that. When my oldest son was little he was probably 2 he was big enough that he was running around. I had him and the house to myself my wife was at work. I was playing video games and he was playing on my lap i had a Wendy's cup i was spitting in. He kept asking for a drink i was like no you cant have this this is daddy's its not a drink so i get up and go to the kitchen to fill up his sippy cup by the time i get back to the living room he has my spit cup just chugging it haha. He would take a big sip and then gag like he was gonna throw up then get another one. Ugh i was like Nooo stop he got at least 3 good chugs in before i could stop him lol