Lost my temper today.

Yeah, I get it.

Cooked some frozen veggies to add to my dinner tonight and after squeezing out the extra water and opening the package I noticed that I has sprayed some veggie juice on my shirt.

I reached for a paper towel to wipe it off my shirt and knocked the entire bag of cooked veggies on the floor, spilling it everywhere. Yep, pissed off I was.

My wife cleaned it up while I went out to the garage and screamed obscenities and rage at the top of my lungs for 20 minutes.

Yeah, just some spilled veggies but it lit the fuse on my frustration and anger so I had to let it explode...BOOM!

Away from the family of course.

Sometimes you just have to let the rage out.

The purging of anger is healthy for the soul and keeps us sane.