OH MY,i never saw that before

just was watching you tube and hit on a video "mopar a body 360 magnum (prep),dated may 5,2019 by the gas tap. he was prepping his 360 fi from his truck to put it in his valiant and was changing to a carb and la front timing cover. his balancer wasn't the best he said but he was going to get a better one later. when it came time to install balancer, he said you could rent an installer but what he did made me quiver. the got out his propane torch,heated the snout of the balancer to approx 200 deg and tried to shove it on by hand. he even had a hand held temp guage to check balancer temp. it would'n't go on until he loosened the water pump as it hit the bottom of the pump. next scene it was on crank. i guess what ever works but he scared me. if you get a chance take a look. makes me want to say oh my, i never saw that before. any body else do that?

Actually the instructions that came with my new balancer said to heat it to 200 degrees before installation.
I have seen lots of guys heat the hub with a propane torch and have the same effect.

Some of the Professional Products damper instructions say to beat it on with a mallet and wood or aluminum.:eek:

"This operation requires Crankshaft Balancer and Sprocket Installer#J41665. If you do not have this tool, the damper may be driv-en on with a large mallet using a block of aluminum or wood."

What part freaks you out?