Almost time for the machinist!

If for months, then time to see the doc.
Yea I making an appointment. It started my last day shift rotation I work 4 weeks of days and 4 weeks of nights this is my first week of days so it's been going on for at least 8 weeks. I will go 6-8 days of cant sleep but 2 or 3 hours then I will sleep for 18-20 hours straight. I took two weeks off at the beginning of April and my first day off I slept for 22 hours straight. Then for 11 days I was sleeping 3 or 4 hours tops then last week I did the same thing I worked my 4 days sleeping 3 or 4 hours my first day off I slept for 16 hours then my last three days off I couldnt sleep but 2 or 3 hours at s time. I know what it sounds like but no I'm not on meth! Haha