Lost my temper today.

I use to have a serious issue with my temper but over the years i have learned to control it. When i feel that spike in the back of my head i do breathing exercises or remove my self from the situation.

Today i wad installing a new screen door at the house and it just was not working. I can build an entire house, hang double hung windows, french doors, sliders what ever.

This dang screen door that cost 14 bucks just would not work. I should have know as the red was creeping in and my level of frustration was going up fast.

Before i realized it, the screen door was ripped out of the wall,on the floor in a ball and my women was looking at me like she dont know what to do....

In our 4 years she has never seen me even raise my voice.

Well now I feel super stupid and have to buy a new screen door...

Not sure what the point of this is, maybe just a heads up that folks are under a lot right now so lets all just try and relax.