Automotive innocence

I'm one who is cursed with the requirement to listen and feel every little thing with my cars. I will not let anyone do any sort of work on my old cars except for the guy who does my machine work for engines. Not so much with my newish regular cars as I do let the dealer handle warranty and recalls.
On the opposite spectrum the dad of my daughter's friend owns a 53 Chevy pickup with a ZZ572 and all the cool stuff to go with it, and a 35 Chevy coupe with an LS7, tricked out as well. When the weather turned nice he called the tire shop to come and check his tire pressures and a guy from a local hot rod shop to check them over to make sure they were ready to drive. When he first showed me his coupe I could hear the fuel pump clicking and asked him if the pump was frame mounted. His response was, "I not only don't know where it is but I don't even know what it is. Why do you think something is wrong?"
I'm glad those guys get satisfaction owning nice cars but for me the fun is working on them. But then, I really do wish I didn't have to analyze every sound and vibration when I take `em out for a cruise.