Automotive innocence

My sister, now dead from brain cancer, was one of the "total bliss" but it bit her a couple times. Many years she insisted on driving a junk POS and "got buy" on the grace of-----------Dad checking it over on weekends. Loose belts, low tires, low on oil and coolant, you name it. One time she had a VERY nice early A GT slant. For some reason she traded it off on a Toyota, and it wasn't long before she blew it up, rod right through the block. Dad said he had ridden with her once, and she kept trying to shift the auto much like a stick. He thinks she got it in 2nd on the freeway and just over-revved the thing.

Later she had a 74-ish Cutlass, and that thing was constantly "on the edge" with zero maintenance, and it "left" her a couple of times. One time, it quit on the freeway. Somehow she had gotten someone to call her then boyfriend, who was coming to get her, and tow it. So there she sat, on the freeway WITH THE HOOD UP. She never could get that through her head. She could not understand why the two people who stopped WERE PISSED when she told them, "no thank you, I have HELP COMING!!!!