Where should I be with my timing??

Also a quick Google shows some sensors use through-bolts which might give you more options. Maybe one of the block tappings I don't know if it would be sensitive enough on a head or not

aftermarket knock sensor - Google Search

Right, this is what I was leaning towards. The Bosch style. I was going to purchase a KnockLink G4, which I know from experience (with more modern boosted applications) is a good product, and it uses that type of sensor with a through-bolt. Like I said, I HAVE done much more than a quick Google search, and found a plethora of sensors - that's not the problem. The problem is WHERE TO INSTALL IT. No quick Google search answers that. A head tapping would not be recommended in my case because I'm running solid lifters with lots of valvetrain noise. There are no additional block tappings.

@brian6pac , that is an awesome idea, I did not realize those GM sensors were actually a 1/4" NPT! When I get off work today I'll try to find a product that can talk to them and interpret the data (like a dash light of some sort). Maybe even the KnockLink G4, IF it can receive data from those GM sensors, I'm golden. Thank you!