Why is distributor pointing away from #1 on TDC?

Oh I also forgot to mention. I have been determining TDC on cylinder 1 when dampener at zero and I move crank back and forth a little rockers on cylinder 1 don’t move at all because I’m assuming that means I’m on compression stroke for cylinder 1 and both valves are closed. Instead cylinder 6 moves. If it was TDC on cylinder 6 the opposite would be true?

If the starter and everything is off pull all the plugs, put the damper on easy, a piece of toilet paper or paper napkin waded up small enough to stick in the plug hole and when the paper blows out (and it will turning the motor by hand) bring it up to the 0 mark on the balancer and then there you go.

THEN if the rotor is pointing at number 6 pull the distributor up and turn the rotor 180 degrees.

Simple as that.