Thanks to men who have served

One of the last remaining Thai-Burma Railway survivors, Harold Martin, has died aged 103.

My great uncle Royal James Baggs 2/4 Machine gun battalion was also on board the ship when it was accidentally sunk.

He was in the water 4 days & didn’t make it home.

I was having a coffee with Harold (Just don’t call him Harry) a few years ago He said the Captain of the USS Pampanito was 1 of the bravest men he had met staying in enemy waters until every survivor was rescued ,he travelled to the US in 1996 to thank the captain for his rescue.

Despite the extreme conditions Harold said they had some fun with the enemy 1 time they caught the enemy Captains horse , butchered it & fed the starving men ,they cut off the horse front legs to make hoof print’s going into the bush

When the Captain come out & asked where his prize horse was they told him it had walked off into the bush & he believed the story

Here is a link to the newspaper article today

Thai-Burma Railway POW Harold Martin dies aged 103 - ABC News

Also a link to his story written by Aussie Samm Blake who lives in New York its called a long way back.

Thanks for your friendship & service Harold safe travels.
Missed something & all the brave Women my Great aunt was a field nurse in WW2