Do I need a new converter?

It’s just one of those things “that does not compute” for me.
Hot Ede headed 410”, gears, traction, 4100 stall........ 1.70 60’?

Hardly seems possible.
Sure...... it’s more than likely mostly being lost in the converter.
But maybe there is just some delay in the motor reaching full power quickly with the EFI unit?

Purely speculating....... as said...... zero experience at the track with one of those.

Let me ask one of those obvious questions........ are you sure it’s getting full throttle?
On a few occasions....... the answer has ended up being “no”.
And one of those times there was well over 1 second difference in the ET after correcting it.

Yep I confirmed opon install last summer that I have 100% throttle travel.