Gimme Me A Brake!

I believe scarebird makes a kit for less than both of those kits. Also at your local junkyard all of the parts off an 80s dodge diplomat should have the brake parts you need to convert to disc brakes.

Many members here also probably have the parts you need.I know I have extra hoses, calipers and rotors sitting in the garage....

To convert to bbp you need 5×4.5 discs, disc/drum prop valve, disc drum MC, new hoses, and calipers. I pieced my kit together which was a little more expensive but if I did it again I'd probably buy the scarebird kit.
Scarebird only shows 72 and earlier. Then the right parts (whatever they would be) have to sourced, I guess. Their site doesn't get specific.

Light weight or aftermarket you gonna have to pay the bucks. Autozone carries manual master cylinders and Summit has an adjustable valve.
If you want to go budget OEM read this:
Disk Brake Conversion Info
All the odds and ends needed make it even more expensive.
Thanks for the link to BBD. I never thought of them. That page explains a lot of the things that are taken for granted. Like what fits what.

Dr Diff's kits are nice. As for being lightweight, a lot of people have ran into issues with longevity running the wilwoods heavily on the street. those thin, lightweight rotors really aren't designed for heavy stop and go braking of the street.
This car won't get used on the street much, but I've wondered how a lightweight set-up would hold up. Wilwood looks to be the most expensive way to go, the kit plus all of the other stuff needed.

I'd seriously consider 10" drums with the BBP, if I could figure out what I need. I don't believe A bodies ever came with BBP front 10" drums.

I have to see if I could use BBP 10" drums on an A body 10" drum set up (SBP).

Thanks for the replies. I gots ta figure this out!