Gimme Me A Brake!

Scarebird only shows 72 and earlier. Then the right parts (whatever they would be) have to sourced, I guess. Their site doesn't get specific.

All the odds and ends needed make it even more expensive.
Thanks for the link to BBD. I never thought of them. That page explains a lot of the things that are taken for granted. Like what fits what.

This car won't get used on the street much, but I've wondered how a lightweight set-up would hold up. Wilwood looks to be the most expensive way to go, the kit plus all of the other stuff needed.

I'd seriously consider 10" drums with the BBP, if I could figure out what I need. I don't believe A bodies ever came with BBP front 10" drums.

I have to see if I could use BBP 10" drums on an A body 10" drum set up (SBP).

Thanks for the replies. I gots ta figure this out!
10 inch drum brakes ? why? I mean you could get the stuff from a B body car but again, if you're gonna go that trouble, you're better off going disc brakes.