Dartin for Divorce

"Im new to the kickdown thing on these mopars but it seems odd to me that it is what is causing problems, seems like you should be able to disconnect it completely and the trans should drive fine, just no kickdown. Im definitely gonna have to read more on that, all my crap is loose and out of adjustment."

If you drive it like that long, you will be rebuilding the transmission SOON. Unless you have installed a manual, or reverse manual valve body, a 904 or 727 absolutely has to have the throttle pressure linkage hooked up and adjusted correctly. When adjusted correctly, and under normal driving, part throttle conditions, the 1-2 shift should be at 18 mph, and the 2-3 shift at 28 mph. Hope this helps some.

Was looking for this again as I'm trying to get my cable optimally adjusted. Currently I'm shifting at about 20 mph from 1-2 and roughly 30 mph 2-3