My requirements... what to build?

Learning lots.
I do need to do some research on what I want to do with the rear end. The 7 1/4 rear right now isnt going to make it so that is for sure coming out. I would like to get a 8 3/4 rear for an A body but they are a tad pricy.
My thought was to do it all at once while the car is down down and the motor is out.
I am sure my mind will change several times over the course of this.

As previously mentioned this year is disc break conversion and some front end work. I believe my mind is already made up on that LOL.

Thanks for your help. Saving the link to this thread so I can revisit it when decision time comes.

No the fun begins to start to talk and research shops in Michigan I can talk to.
Just trying to pass along my experience cuz I fell for the legend of the 8 and 3/4 myself and slowly puzzled together one for about $1,200.. now mind you I was putting loads on it that your car probably will never see but 20 passes at the drag strip later when it blew up LOL I ended up building a Dana 60 for the same $1,200.. it's still in there and doing fine.. most will just say Dana and Done... More-2...