My requirements... what to build?

my tab keeps going up LOL

not going to be a race car by any means but I will definitely keep it in mind. A lot will come down to finding a shop that does goes work and what we come up with.

LOL. Don’t buy that crap jPar is trying to sell you about saving you money. He’s throwing change ups at you, setting you up for the high hard one (baseball analogy right there).

Then, once he has the hook set and he is ready to reel you into the boat (fishing analogy...damn I’m on fire today) he will convince you that you need a tunnel ram, 2 Demon carbs (he is the Demon guru and has purchased large sums of stock in said company) and WTH...why not get some aluminum heads to top it all off.

Yep, jpar is setting you up. He never saves anyone any money.

LOL. Not only are my analogies awesome today, but my sarcasm is smoking hot!!!!!