99 problems and a Ford ain't one.

lot's of great tips in this thread
on the 383
determine when your car was built
get core motor older
others can give you a date range and casting date ranges

on fuel line
on cars with a vapor seperator I also use that
your 383 car may have a 3/8 fuel line
the 383 may also have a vapor seperator can next to the fuel pump
I forget which year started but after alcohol and MTBE mwas added to the gas
Ma Mopar would not have spent $$$ on seperators and fuel llinnes if not absolutely essential
if it has 5/16 run a new 3/8 fuel line and use existing for a return
I use stainless
do not even think of using cu or al
170 would be nce on the compression
report back after the lifter adjustment