I count 5. Five Commandments broken right there. He is a thief,a liar, and a Godless, Lawless, covetor, with no respect for his elders. . Thieves and liars cannot enter the New Kingdom. God is keeping a record, and God will deal with him.
Your mandate is to Forgive, that God also will forgive you. You know; like if it should happen that you break a Commandment.

I lend stuff to very few people. I sell it away. or I give it away. Sometimes I tell the "borrower", that he can give it back to me when he's done with it. By giving it, if it never comes back to me, that person will not go to the Lake of Fire on my account.And by relinquishing possession of something, and it doesn't come back,I have no justifiable cause against that person.
Sometimes it takes a year for an item to come home.Sometimes more and some items are awol after decades, and I don't expect they'll ever be back. No big deal to me.