This isn’t difficult to understand. You told me to bring the rocker arms* and $80 in exchange for the crane gold rockers. I therefore believed I was getting a set of 16 rocker arms alone. I did however bring the scored shaft(pictured above) to show you what I was talking about; you declined to take it or even look at it when offered.

The “real story” is written in those messages. You may be a stand up member here, but I personally experienced a significant lack of integrity.

I’m not the most difficult person in the world, and am actually glad you posted this here. I’ll leave it up to the forums judgement. It’s all right there.
You showed nothing, if anything you showed how you thought you were wronged and decided to take the power back by whatever pathetic means you could than that obviously meant you weren’t giving them back. Keep them, I’m sure you’ll need them. Good luck in this world you created.
