I've been a 3+ pack a day smoker for 35+ years. Haven't had a smoke for 45 hours.

Tried to quit lots of times. But never worked until I was finally ready. I took all the cigarettes I had crushed them (think I might have done a dance on them) and threw them in the trash. Never smoked again, never looked back. I was done. My point is until you are sure and truly ready it won't work. Make the choice and you can be done with it. Keep up the good work and if you are saving some cigs just in case, get rid of them!
When this whole covid stuff started, I started cutting back. About a month ago, I got some patches..cut back to about a pack and a half.. been plateaued since then. Yesterday morning I said to myself.. 'see if you can make an hour.' I did so I said 'see if you can make another hour'. Pretty soon it's 8 hours... This AM was a *****.. usually up at 5 AM smoking 2 or 3 by 5:20 with my coffee. Still have smokes sitting next to the front porch with my lighter sitting next to it.. left it there.. I'm stronger than those ******* things... I hope.