I've been a 3+ pack a day smoker for 35+ years. Haven't had a smoke for 45 hours.

Jesus man rolling pipe tobacco?!?!? That's like the "mainlining" of smoking.
I would be remiss if I didnt mention that Lori had quit altogether after 35 years. Nothing but air goes into her lungs! Smoke free for over 6 years. We did Champix(very similar to US Chantix) and although it works it MESSES with your mind.
I saw Collective Soul at a small venue, great show!
For the last 6 years or so I've been rolling my own with pipe tobacco. Cost is about $1.20 a pack, as they don't tax pipe or cigar tobacco like they do cig tobacco.. congressmen want their cigars and pipes cheap. So, about $3.00 a day.. it's still $90 a month though.