Who has told a buyer that what you have is not what they need?

First time in a while but the guy buying my 512 is a little over his head. That doesn't make me any smarter than him about this stuff but I think he's been watching a little too much Street Outlaws lol. Is he getting a killer deal? Yep. Am I getting fair market value. Well I set the price so no argument there either but the money won't change my life and he's a good guy just misinformed.

So who else has looked at the big picture and told someone to walk away and no harm or foul?

I did. I had an old 1973 Datsun 240Z and it was falling apart. It had bad cancer all over and the engine had serious noises going on (meaning it was well past the time for a complete rebuild). I parked it on my lawn, on a highly trafficked road and probably got 3 people to stop every day to buy it for only $2,500. I asked everyone what their plans were for the car and they mostly said they were just going to drive it as-is. I refused to sell it to all of those people. Then a girl stopped and her answer was she was going to have it restored. She saw all the rust and she knew after hearing the engine run that it was toast. I asked her if she had the money to restore it and she said “yes”. I said “sold”! BTW, she drove up in a late 60s or early 70s Karmen Ghia that she had recently restored. Cool girl!