273ci thoughts?

What do you call powerhouse? 12 second quarters? 10 second quarters? 140 mph + in the top end? Ability to burn rubber through 1st and 2nd gear?
True! All subjective!
He does not need anything but a cam and valve spring change, a 4 barrel and intake for what he wants.
Any basic upgrades (without creating a wacko out of balance combo) are normally a fine addition that will make the engine and owner really happy. I love these kinds of basic upgrades and a simple street machine.
I know more than most of you what drag racing is. Once you start down that road, if you are really serious, it never ends.
No doubt!
As for 273's and 360's I have driven both. There is no way a stock HP 360 would take my 273, which was not stock. I looked at buying a new car in the mid 70's with A HP 360. I ended up keeping the 64 Barracuda and 273 since it was faster.
You for surely picked up the right car.
Too bad it does not work out that way in real life.
Actually, it does, sort of... driver dependent is the first issue and then there is the possible issue of chassis or traction deficiencies. I say this often, “To bad I’m not a multi millionaire!” Just build stuff just to have fun and test and destroy and rebuild and test again with engine vs engine shoot outs. Like a combo of Richard Holdner, engine masters, road kill, top gear mixed with idiots delight. I guess I better start playing lotto for a change huh?!?! It would make for a awesome you tube channel.