Stop in for a cup of coffee

Well, Im back from the grocery store, with all the mask and glove wearers........I hadn't been out the driveway in a few weeks....Not much happinin out there.....

nope, interstate traffic is slim to none
Traffic has been picking up around here for the past week.
Friday I drove up to the painters shop to retrieve the defroster vents, and it was pretty nuts on the interstates. Surekill expressway and the Turnpike both had the usual mix of 50 mph in the center with 80 mph drivers wherever the felt, etc etc - and that included truck drivers. Gas milage from the trip won't be anything to boast about. Flying box! And parts of the Surekill were closed completely for weekend construction. Fortunatley heard that on the news radio, so missed the parking lot scene. Then found old state road was also closed for construction, so got a scenic drive through old estates. That part was nice.

Depending who you want to listen to...Sounds like the state would like to have it mandatory, but not enforcable? However, you ain't getting in most stores around here without one. See some people wearing them driving alone in their car. :wtf:
Yup. Guess for some its just easier to put them on and leave 'em on. Or its just what they do when they go out. I put one on when it makes sense, like going into a shopping area or even walking the sidewalks when I can't walk real wide of others (which is very rare).

We go to Yellow on Friday. Not sure exactly what that means to me. I think mostly more businesses are allowed to open.
I saw that for York. It's prob on the state website. Prob everything that can keep things safe, but not bars and movie theaters and such.

Yep I used to really like going to Home Depot and Lowe's. Right now it's been a nightmare lines and overcrowded. I think because a lot of other stores were closed. I haven't been in about a week. Hopefully a little better now that a lot of other things are opening up.
Funny. I have hated HD. Checkout got even worse last year - which I didn't think was possible. I buy almost all my lumber and material at Dela. County Supply - an old school yard, with hardwood and a real shop.