I've been a 3+ pack a day smoker for 35+ years. Haven't had a smoke for 45 hours.

You are doing the right thing to quit those things. Its a dead end road, trust me. When i quit smoking around 30 yo (15 years of it) I had this strange metallic taste in my mouth for a long time. Only cigarettes would make it go away. I quit after staying at a casino for a work trip and I guess the smell of smoke, stale beer and shame pushed me on the wagon lol. Man am I lucky that happened. I can run all the way across the from our pit spot to the starting line an the drag strip and not run out of breath. The driver likes me there to make sure he is still a lil bit in the water to start the burnout. I'll take tire smoke any day!

Ps - from a son's perspective..my dad died from lung cancer and I miss him. Die from something worthwhile you will feel better on the way out DAMHIK : (