Crazy storm!

I was outside today painting my engine bay it has had been nice and sunny all morning and afternoon. Right after I got done spraying it started getting a little overcast nothing major tho. I was outside cleaning my spray gun and felt a drop of rain. I was thinking crap I want to spray my clear coat today. Out of nowhere it started pouring. I was on the phone with my wife (she was in the house) and I told her to come to the window to look how hard it was raining. My youngest son came to the window and had a terrified look on his face, and then it came out of nowhere the craziest rain and wind iv ever experienced. I took off running to get in the house I couldn't make it. It literally blew me off my feet. Mind you I'm not little guy I'm 6ft 245 lbs I managed to jump in my truck as a picnic table flew by my door. No joke guys this **** was crazy. As I set got in the truck and shut the door I could hear my wife and kids screaming. When I looked up the giant apple tree in my yard was falling. And it was gone and fast as it started I had a total of 8 trees blow down one landed on my house. And causing damage to my roof. I lost both my apple trees, two wild cherry's and 4 old locus trees. Lots of pics coming









