Anyone ever disassemble a distributor - need help

The spring clip. Make sure its not distorted. No I don't have any brilliant tricks. I find it is easier to install than take out. Can push it down with a flat faced punch. Move punch if it starts to ****.

I hold one leg of the clip with hemostats and use a pocket type blade screwdriver to push it down.

This one of the places where Chrysler, Ford, AMC and the various GM engines differ enough that the 'hot setup' for one doesn't apply to another.
The pistons dwell for different lengths of time (crank degrees) at the top, the cylinder heads and pistons have different combustion characteristics, etc. As a result the rate of burn, and the time available to develop the most effective pressure through angles of maximum leverage are not going to be the same as brand X or Y.

And this is why every engine is different even from the same manufacturer, and why we can never tell someone else what their timing should be.
We can generalize, but that's about all.