What's the consensus on burnouts?

screaming at a computer post ? unreal.
I still have trouble believing people think I`m screaming because of caps , this p.c. does it sometimes on its own , posts stuff while I`m still typing , on top of that , i cant type worth a crap , have to proof read everything .
Many times when I hit the caps button it posts instantly too , i should quit using caps altogether , but then someone would try to be a grammer cop -----

I'm just giving you grief Bob.
I know you have the caps issue, and it doesn't matter to me.

I love UTG (aka whitepunkonitro) but totally disagree with his neutral drop method. I don't neutral drop any automatic unless I'm taking my car straight to the junkyard. IF a car can't burn the tires by standing on the brake and mashing it, then carry a water bottle and dose the tires before trying.

I think for one, it matters if a person can fix their own car or not, but to me a neutral drop with an automatic isn't really any different than side stepping a clutch.
Neither is a real good idea.:D

You got to post a link here when you're done! If it was me i'd just do it and be gone before anybody complained.

Yea, kinda leaning that way myself.
I figured if I asked the LEO and they said no way, I'd do it anyway.