Help with Head Gasket selection

This is the pic off their webpage. Mine are buried in the basement at the moment. Need to get them out this afternoon.
Like I said, I was using a feeler gage and mill vise parallel. I've been cleaning the block all afternoon. I'll get the surface gage and test indicator on it later. I assume I need to rock the piston to get the worst case?

Something funky is going on with the crank and connecting rods. Pics later, but 6 of 8 have a copper colored coating on them, but the cyl numbers coincide with the hole. Number 1 and 7 are typical steel colored but 1 has no number and 7 is stamped 8. Obviously they aren't all original. There are some interesting marks on the crank counterweights that make me think that crank was in a wreck at some time. Wouldn't surprise me. Car is a mess with hidden issues, motor didn't run, trans blew up 50 miles after I got it running. Trans and motor don't match car and trans had external weights on the converter from a later car....and on and on.

How much over bore size should the gasket be? They have all kinds of diameters, some in stock, some not. Can I run 4.040 on same size bore or do I need a bit of a gap on the gasket? The top of the pistons are beveled so I doubt they would hit if they sit centered.