Ignition nightmares

And now, another annoying story "from the old days." Remember the big 'ol rectangular Mallory coils? BEFORE Accel was "a thing" even. Now I "kinda knew" about them. When you installed them, you ADDED an included Mallory coil resistor IN SERIES with the factory resistor.

In my days working part time at the NAS Miramar auto shop, here comes a couple of guys "it won't start can you help us."

"What did you / are you doing?"

"We are installing a new Mallory coil"

The were out by the entrance gate, several hundred feet away. Walked out there and here is oil and pieces of the brand new Mallory all over the engine bay of the 55 Chev. They had not installed the additional resistor, and HAD LEFT THE KEY ON and walked on into the shop area when they couldn't get it to fire

On a side note, I see on updated overhead views of Bing Maps that the Marines finally tore down the old wood buildings where the shops were They have a much fancier one now----that costs the users a lot more money