Was this guy a little anal?

So, I’ll chime in here. If I see a car for sale, I usually stop and look it over, take pics of it, and post them in a public forum with the phone number for interested people to call if they’re interested. Only once was I called out on that practice by the owner of the car, mistakenly thinking that I was listing it as my own. My opinion is that if you’re selling a car, or in this case are a yard that is selling to the public, then pics of stuff you have should be welcomed as free advertising. If it is a closed to the public yard, then yes, proper etiquette must be followed.

There's also a lot to be said about what else is in the pictures taken.
Addresses, phone numbers, geographical landmarks or any other location or contact information should not be in one's personal pictures.

I have offered free photo and posting service to owners before that had something they wanted to sell.
Some have taken me up on it to, and as one would expect, they asked "What's in it for you?"
I just tell them a little consideration here and there on prices is fine, but not expected.
You would be surprised how friendly they can get if you give them something that helps them.