Was this guy a little anal?

I still have to say in all fairness that auto wreckers need to state their rules and regulations in clear terms, (maybe with a big sign at their entrance) or allow no one to enter their yard. It would make things a lot simpler. Not all of us are clear on it, and not all of us are mind readers.

You've gone back to the owner is wrong and I'm right thinking.

The very best thing you can do is ask.

Don't just go Waltzing onto somebody's property and acting like you own it.

As for you guys don't understand what etiquette is. Here's a couple little rules to live by.

Don't go walking into somebody's building if they're not home and have not given you permission to do so. As for that matter same goes for their property.

Don't go handling everything you see without permission.

If you can't understand getting permission to see or do or feel or touch or pick up then you shouldn't be there because you don't have what it takes

Don't be prying things open without permission. Last thing I'd want is a bunch of screwdriver marks on the hoods of my cars.

Don't be window peeping without permission.

And here is a biggy for my horse barn.
Don't show up wearing flip-flops because you won't be getting in you'll be asked to leave.