JB To the Rescue Again

I don't know exactly what motivated me to take care of this long-awaited task but today I finally jumped in and did it.

I tend to toss things around a little too much, and broke the plastic handles in doing so on my shop vacuum and little garden stool (with tool compartment).

Gingerly I reattached the broken pieces yesterday with a drop of superglue, which I knew would never hold up on its own. Just did that to reposition the broken pieces.

Today, I gingerly ground down the plastic with a Dremel tool coarse sandpaper mini-drum, washed the prepared areas down with alcohol, and dried everything up with a hair dryer.

Applied the JB weld and then added washers on top for re-enforcement. Tomorrow, one more coat of JB over the washers (after scuffing today's coat of JB weld a little) and we should be good to go. Not pretty but who cares.

