Trying to build power....225 step by step help

It got mixed up because you quoted my post #46 in your post #47.
You were the one spewing hate. Since you quoted my post, how could I think anything but, that it was directed at me.

How is this not juvenile?

You haven't been here long enough to know me, so you wouldn't know how patient a man I am.
If yur gonna spew childish crap, then yur gonna have to explain it.
Learn to say what you mean, and mean what you say;
I/we are not mind readers.
There is no anger in these words. Nor humor.
When you make a mistake just own it and say sorry, I for one, am not interested in a re-direct, we get enough of that in the N&P,lol. See; lol, indicates humor, and is same as; insert chuckle here..
Im sorry AJ I was wrong you are right! LOL. Hows that!