Stop in for a cup of coffee

And as you know and others may not when a law enforcement agency request NG support for crowd control (the word riot went out years ago) through state Emergency Management and authorized by the state Governor they are a law enforcement force multiplier. They are used for key asset security and traffic control. This allows law enforcement to concentrate on the problem people and areas. Usually in situations like this 5% cause 95% of the problems. NG can train for force confrontations but rarely do they engage. I don't like the look of a NG soldier standing there holding a rifle. With 33 years NG service and a couple deployments I love to see them used as they should be. With 30 years law enforcement experience 20 SWAT years, Gang Unit, DEA Task Force, and over 1200 force entry search warrants (yep I did all the fun stuff) I can tell you that rifle weapon retention is difficult unless you train daily. I'd hate to see a M-16 taken. It wouldn't be good.
Completely agree.