What's the consensus on burnouts?

I got caught doing a huge full lock burnout around a triplex of silos on gravel, Ima guessing 150 to 200 footer. My car does this really well, all the time. Any way we were having so much fun, nobody saw the cops pull up. After about the third lap, we came around the backside and there they were; two good old boys. I stopped, shut the engine off, put my hands at the top of the steering wheel, hung my head down,and tried to stop giggling; I mean we were having a blast.
So the big one, comes over to my window, and you'll never guess what he said so I'll tell ya; "you know you can't be doing that here... short pause, but you do it pretty good" .
To which I replied; " does that mean you'll let me off with a warning?"
Smile now gone, he is all business; " Driver's license and registration please,Sir."
$360 buckeroos I spent in less than 15 minutes right there.
Then he says " next time take it out of town........." lol.
The lil guy, never took his shades off, and didn't much look at me, I think he mightta been working hard to suppress a smile. or a giggle.
Well, Ima thinkin', where am I gonna find a 300ft paddock outside of town? The hunt was on! I found lots of places ..... If you weren't so far away, we could have a hoot together,lol.