We're Back! American Astronauts Launched In An American Rocket From American Soil

We don't need to be having this conversation here on the internet which we also do not need. If you haven't figured it out, all these technological things we have , all have one thing in common, and that is to separate humans from physically being with and touching eachother and talking to each other...... on a local basis, and getting along! It is the mass dumbing-down of humanity, to appease us while we are not slaving to "the man" for our daily bread.
Our kids go out into the world, and immediately become slaves, working zero-satisfaction jobs, committed to a mortgage for a shelter, to utilties for heat,running water, and a craper, and to a car-loan to travel to that meaningless job, and hopefully at the end of the week there is enough for daily-bread and water. In the meantime both parents are away at work, and strangers are rearing the young and filling their heads with lies. And after school ; oh lets play wargames on our little chit pieces of technology. And the beat goes on, every next generation deeper into the pit of dispair.
Because of the despair, society collapses into chaos and becomes a degenerate, baseless,mindless society of zombies, eating baby-flesh and street-shitting, with every kind of evil made legal.
Crime is on an ever upward spiral. Church is put into a 501C3 box , and God is banned from public. Science and Technology are the new gods,and the media is the blow-horn. Come they say; we will tell you what you need, what you need to know. We will tell you to stay away from work for many months until you either die, or are in a hole so deep you can never get out; you will be good little slaves now, won't you.... We will tell you what to eat, what to wear, where you can live and who your friends will be. You will stand in breadlines and you can't do a daymn thing about it. Some of you will eat your babies and kill your neighbors to eat them. Some of you will gnaw off your fingers because you are so hungry. Some of you will pray to the rocks to fall on you a merciful death.
Science, falsely so called, is NOT YOUR FRIEND!
"Space" travel is just a diversion to prevent you from seeing the TRUTH, that we are all scheduled for destruction. They will Kill the old and the feeble and the young ones, all who are too weak to work. Only the strong-bodied, feeble-minded, dumb-downed ones will be allowed to live as slaves. We have just seen the beginning stage with this cobid bullcrap.
Look; I'm no Biblical scholar either, And I have read the oft-quoted verses saying only the Father knows the day and the hour.
The thing that is RARELY quoted is that the YEAR is NEVER included in that quote, and we the Believers, are COMMANDED to understand when it is near, and to PREPARE ourselves, and to BE READY. Good luck getting that out of your 501C3 pastor!
Satan is making overtures. That was long ago prophesied. We will know when the End is near, by current World Events. There will be great signs in the sky. Earthquakes in diverse places, the size and number of which grows greater with the closer that we get to the Day and the Hour. STOP worshiping at the feet of Science and Technology, falsely so called. They are NOT your friend! I know it sounds Orwellian, but you and like-minded ones need to wake up! Science is killing us, little by little every day; while you are distracted by the toys it has brought. You look over here while death is slipped in over there. You cheer for this, and allow your babies to be murdered up to 4 months after being born. You wave your patriotic flags, while standing in quicksand. You breath eat andchit the corrupted things science has given you and alas you say,sickness and disease are an act of God and so besmirch His name to third third and fourth generation, your kids dying of genetic diseases. You have no understanding, because you ask not, and let not that double-minded man think that he will receive anything from God; a double-minded man is unstable in all his ways.
Read the Book; it's all in there.

Whatever. Rockets are cool.:D