We're Back! American Astronauts Launched In An American Rocket From American Soil

There it is, a moon landing denier. There is not "one shot", there are literally millions. You can watch the rotating Earth from the ISS on NASA tv pretty much any time you want, live feed. You can bounce a laser off the reflector they placed on the moon so the distance could be exactly measured, nothing on the surface that would return a signature like that unless it was man made. Of course you would have to have knowledge of enough science to understand why that's proof, so it won't convince you because you don't have the knowledge.

Even with some basic knowledge it's easy to prove we actually went there
NASA Moon Landing - MythBusters | Discovery

There's only one person that's "fully indoctrinated" here, and it's you. You know, the guy that believes without any evidence?

You have multiple people in this thread that have either directly designed items for space, or worked directly with the people that do. Take your wakadoodle conspiracy theories somewhere else.

Thanks for being the voice of reason. After 32 years in the space program I honestly just don't have the patience anymore, lol. They have beat me down.