Gone in 60 Seconds

Go join your friend at the PEACEFUL protest. Tell me the last time a protest got what you wanted. 99% of protests turn into a bag of ****.

More ignorance, more bullshit.

What you're saying is no different than saying all cops are bad or all Republicans are racists, it's the same logic. Are there bad cops? Absolutely. Are there racist Republicans? Clearly. But to paint all of them with the same brush is total ignorance. The vast majority of police officers are good, the majority of Republicans aren't racist. It is exactly the same with the protestors. The vast majority of them are peaceful and are not committing crimes.

And what about this protest? Bunch of white guys with AR's that occupied the Michigan state house? Why weren't they met with tear gas and rubber bullets? Or are these guys ok to protest because they can't get a haircut? Do these guys meet your "qualifications for a protestor"?
'Operation Gridlock': Convoy in Michigan's capital protests stay-at-home orders

As far as protests getting what they wanted, that's super easy. How about the 1964 Civil Rights act? Or the 1968 Fair Housing Act? That one was passed after a week of demonstrations and riots in over 100 cities following the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.?

And others, I mean, there's Gandhi, Women's Suffrage, Ceasar Chavez, Rosa Parks, etc, etc, etc. Protest is covered by the 1st Amendment for a reason. It was a protest that got this whole USA thing rolling, what do you think the Boston Tea Party in 1773 was? Seems like it's time you brushed up on some history.

5 Peaceful Protests That Led To Social & Political Changes