Can burnouts structurally weaken tires??

The belt runs 90° to the sidewall. Not a defect. The tread belts do not line up any any spot. Picture a roll of tape. A separation would be like unrolling the tape. The damage shown would be like cutting the tape with a razor blade. The ends of the tape do not line up to a butt splice, neither do steel belts on a tire. There are multiple layers . Just like piston rings don't line up, staggered ends. Looks to be a cut belt/impact failure. The damage could have been done earlier. They don't always fail instantly. Just FYI yes, doing Burnouts, spinning tires and other non-normal driving habits will damage a street DOT tire. Common sense. They were not made to do that. Now " tires designed for drag racing "Were designed for tire spinning and heating the tread. Do your racing on the track, not the street. Luck you didn't damage yours/any body else's car. Glad you know about date codes. Over 5 years old no matter the mileage should not be driven at hi-way speeds. Keep our cars safe.
PS, In the tires warranty booklet it will say specifically that spinning tires will void the warranty on the tires. Always has.