WOW!!!! I hope this doesn't come true

I didn’t read all of this because I addressed most of this many times. I’ll touch a couple of things here again, for the record.

This **** didn’t start in March, or February or even January. My kid had it before thanksgiving. Went to the hospital 3 times. The first they thought he had strep. Only a moron would think strep as sick as he was. Nope, not strep. Second trip, they say it’s the “B” flu virus. Yeah, that’s it. No wait, I had that in February 2019. So did my mom. Put her in the hospital twice. Damn near killed her once. But the medical “experts” were sure of the diagnosis. But NOOOOO, it wasn’t the “B” virus. So it’s back for trip number 3 and I tell them WTF? All that education and I would be better off taking the kid to a freaking witch doctor or shaman. More testing, more bills to pay and the kid is STILL miserable. The third trip they sent us home and said get in bed, stay there and ride it out. We don’t have a CLUE what it is.

About the time the kid got better, he had missed his birthday, missed a ton of school and his entire school was wiped out by this unknown illness, students and faculty. And it was in January. And then the wife came down with it.

So all the bullshit about “social distancing”, wearing that idiotic mask and killing business was all for nothing. I should have had it. I have no doubt I exposed hundreds of people to it, long before I or anyone else ever heard the term “covid” or anything else. And I don’t know anyone I’ve passed it to. Or my wife. We saw the inlaws every day during this. I saw my parents several times. All are either in their 80’s or close to it. And not one of them got sick.

The fact if it all is you can’t stop a virus. You can reduce your exposer to it, but that’s up to YOU, not the government to take care of you.

This whole flu is just a flu. It is no more contagious or deadly than any other flu. The numbers have been inflated for a purpose.

So to all of you who jumped on the government bandwagon out of fear and an unhealthy trust of a government that will lie to your face, you should have known better. If you have lived 30 years and you can’t see how vile these unelected bureaucrats are, then you just aren’t paying attention. There isn’t ONE single shred of evidence that is believable showing one thing done to this nation did a damn thing to stop the flu.

Again, as for Italy, that government lied too. How do I know? My son is still dating (long distance because she was shipped back to Italy) an Italian exchange student. We were in constant contact with her parents in Italy, and the flu went through her whole family, and not one died. Italy is lying about the flu too. Her father told me more than once the comorbidity in Italy was outrageous. Something like 80% of people over 50 smoke. And smoke to excess, whatever that is to an Italian. Those were his words not mine.

So the fact is the majority of this nation jumped in lock step to Bolshevik leadership to the detriment of the nation. It’s time to learn something from this, because it worked and it will happen again, and the soft headed, intellectually lazy will claim the high ground, when their ignorance keeps them in the gutter, like a third world nation.
I agree with most of what you are saying and I'm open minded enough to try and see outside the box instead of believing everything the news tells. Me but my biggest question is WHY? Why lie about it and make up exaggerated numbers? Why wreck the economy? Why put all these people out of work and ruin small businesses owners? What does the government have to gain from it? And it's not only our government like you said its world wide countrys all over the world have fallen victim to this.
As for it starting before Thanksgiving I agree. I had the worst cold/flu of my life back in December I couldn't shake it. I literally spent 4 days in the bed I couldnt get up. It started out like a cold I lost my voice sore throat, by the 3rd day I couldnt breath my chest hurt felt like an elephant was on me. I'm a pretty tough guy typical colds dont even slow me down. But this put me on my back for a week. Was it covid? Idk maybe not but it could have been.