Rear suspension recommendations.....

yea strictly for the looks.. and to clear bigger tires is the wrong way to do it..
For me, it was more for functionality. I know what I do with my car, how it gets loaded up, I know the roads I've been driving for the last 30 years and know what weird pavement/parking lot speed humps, bumps, and general quirks i encounter that had me wishing for more general clearance when i have a trunk full of bagged cement or a car full of kids driving a dirt road through the pine barrens to avoid traffic heading to the beach. Did I achieve that, yes. Was it the wrong way, maybe... but I'm receptive to understanding the right way if that 1.29 degree rise/run incline is significantly impacting my handling on a day to day basis. I got my car to do what i wanted it to do... I'm always down to learn the how and why to do it better.