Grrr... people who dump animals

I'm a pretty easy going guy, but one thing sure to get me riled up is mistreating animals. I was driving home from the girlfriend's house night before last on a 50 MPH road. It's getting a little dark but I can see something in the road of the oncoming lane. As I whiz by, I see it's not some kind of garbage, it looks like a cat! I flip a u-turn and come back. Another guy coming behind me has stopped also, and the kitten is under his car and scared to death. I manage to fish it out, its heart is going a mile a minute and it's shaking bad. There is nobody around and only one house even semi-nearby and they say they have no cats. So I take it home. Closer examination shows it bleeding from the nose and right eye, I'm thinking this may not end well. Luckily, it turns out it's from a small cut above the eye and the nose got skinned up. It was definitely dazed as it wasn't trying to get out of the road, it was just sitting there. Anyone coming the other way would have run it over for sure.

I could be charitable and say the cat just accidentally "fell" out of a car, but it couldn't have been at speed as there's not enough damage. I think someone slowed down, dropped the cat out of the window, and moved on. Moments later I come by to find the little guy. He is a charming creature, can't be more than 5 weeks old or so and runs maybe a pound at the most. He spent the first night mostly sleeping and resting, but perked up in the morning. I'm happy to report he appears unharmed by his migration to my house.

To the former owner, I say perhaps this was an accidental thing but best steer clear of me and my new cat. I had absolutely NO plans to add a critter to the household but he's just too nice to farm out to a new home. What kind of an asshole would dump a tiny kitten on the road instead of taking to the shelter if you can't care for it?

Anyway, this is Yoda, newest resident and getting along famously with my dog and other cat!

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Well, I'm not defending people who dump animals. All of our present cats are rescues. But sometimes people just get overwhelmed and don't know what to do.

This is the kind of thing that enrages me.

Pregnant elephant killed after eating pineapple filled with firecrackers