I swear...

I just had a black digital 6 on my machine a couple of months ago. Damn thing just quit. I thought my distributor machine took a massive crap on me because the box was brand new...a virgin.

Nope. It was the box. MSD did repair it and it worked when I put it back up on the bench. I think they changed one resistor or maybe 5. I couldn’t tell from the repair order. But it was at least one and IIRC they went from a 20 amp (or whatever they measure resistance by) to 100. So it was a big jump.

IF I had actually bought this POS, I’d return it for fixing. I’m just going to throw this in the dumpster.
I returned so many to them for fixing. 1 box, 4 times.
I have one and only one box that works and it works like a charm. Every other unit, garbage! There is less than 50 hours run time on the above pictured box.

This is exactly why I can't bring myself to use aftermarket ignition components.
The ignition I have has run for 6 years now without so much as a single hiccup, and I can get replacement parts if ever needed at any parts house even on a weekend without having to order anything.
I'd be pretty pissed if I was out in the middle of a desert somewhere far from home and be told a part would be there next Tuesday.
Screw that, as it's just not worth the risk.