Steering Shaft short on ignition switch possible?

image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg I am rebuilding my steering shaft and replacing my switch for the 3rd time this week. When I put the last one in, I checked the switch for constant, then turning to Assec, then on and crank. I check each wire at each key position for power, BEFORE putting column back together.
I noticed a small spark when I turned the key a position. The little black/ charcoal gray cam the bitches into the cylinder lock was where is sparked from. I the. Noticed there is some lateral play in my shaft. The shaft kind of has a flat taper in that section.
but with the okay, the steel shaft ca definitely touch that ignition switch cam. if that supposed to happen?
I taped the shaft to prevent the arc if it touched on the road.

see pics image.jpg