Anyone ever use "Legal Zoom" for legal documents, question?

Well, when all is said and done, I'me glad that i had an licensed attorney draft up a will, with me this morning.
It's more complicated, when you want a power of attorney wishes made known, and health care, quality of life issues, made known, formally, and legally.
When my time comes, i don't wan't to be hooked up to any tubes, machines, keeping me going.
So in that case, you need to have someone to make a final decision, in your behalf, and formally put down on the legal documents.
In my case, the doctors are getting me prepared for a "valve job" that i will be needing on my heart, to keep me going.
So the fire cracker was lit under my ***, to get the will taken care of.
Sooner or later, us old guys will be crossing this road in life.

Good on you Jim for taking care of all of that ahead of time.

Working as a medic I definitely see my share of patients that haven’t taken care of things ahead of time, and I will say that it really does make things easier if you have a medical power of attorney and your wishes clearly laid out before something happens. It can definitely get complicated and confusing in the moment, and that doesn’t help anyone.

I understand why people don’t want to go through the process to have all the paperwork. It’s not something people like to think about to begin with and it can be complicated. And that’s before you start considering family dynamics, religious beliefs, and complicated medical conditions. But none of that gets easier in the moment.

So again, good for you for getting everything in order. Better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it. And on that note, good luck!