Weight loss and perseverance

What are some of the unmeasureables? Can you describe the way you feel now, etc.?
Sure, the biggest feeling is of being way lighter and stronger than I can remember. Almost like I am walking around on a planet with far less gravity. Walking around the yard feels like I’m an astronaut bounding around on the moon!

Here are a few more in no particular order...

I can touch my toes with my knees locked.
I can scratch the middle of my back just by reaching.
I can walk around the back of my car in the garage without turning sideways and sucking in my gut.
I can stand up from the sofa without having to push off from the arm.
I can go up the stairs without using a hand on the rail to help pull me along.
I can squat down to the ground and stand right back up again without needing a support to brace on.
I can breath normally while walking instead of huffing and puffing like a steam locomotive.
I can drop something and not dread having to bend down to try to get it.
I can sit on a piece of furniture without first thinking about whether it can hold up to my weight.
Going up a step ladder doesn’t feel like climbing Mt Everest anymore.
The distance between my gut and the steering wheel feels like a mile apart.
I can lay in bed to sleep without feeling like a beached whale.
Rolling over in the middle of the night is no longer an engineering challenge.
I can bend down and tie my shoes instead of pulling my foot up and across my opposite knee.
Looking in a mirror doesn’t make me sigh at what I see.
I can run again.

Most of all, I feel like I have reclaimed my life and can be proud of myself...and actually like the skin I’m in.