Resto Cluster Gauges Inoperable!

Seeing as how the speedo-meter is mechanical and is all that works, for sure indicates an electrical problem. Yes verify you have a good ground. Do the cluster lights work? The gauges themselves ground through their respective sending units. Did they 'forget' to plug the limiter in?

This is from a Charger, but I think most of our old dogs had this setup--the part in front of the right arrow needs to be firmly pressed into slots on the board. The cylindrical one on the left just gets strapped down as shown:charger gauge cluster.jpg
You might check the pins and sockets for the main connector plug too, sometimes they get loose or break off when you plug/unplug it.

I guess just give up on it and throw it away. Damn man. A ground wire takes ten minutes to run. Ten minutes. If it doesn't work then, you got a problem.
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The guys: "What Hemi?!" :p