hole where front strut rod attaches to the K member problem

Click on upload photos
A pop-up should come up with 3 option icons Camera - Camera video - File

If you already have taken a photo choose file, if not choose camera.
The camera app should open and you can take a photo. You will be given 2 options, a grey check box and a blue check boxScreenshot_20200613-155852.png
The grey check box allows you to retaxe a photo, the blue accepts the photo

Then the photo will show up below this dialog box.

click on "full image" to insert it into your post.

If you already have a photo taken, click on "Upload Photos"

Choose " File" find your photo
Then click "Select" in the upper right corner

Your photo will show up in the list of attached files below your post. Click on "Full Image" next to the photo.