Crane Roller Lifters OH NO!

I’m not there looking at the parts first hand, so this is an observation made from looking at pics on a small screen.

The times I’ve seen broken link bars, the lifter usually ends up turned 90* to the cam, and running like that at least for some period of time.
When that happens....... the lobe is trashed all the way around, even on the base circle.
On those two lobes the base circle doesn’t appear to be totally trashed

So, the one with the link bar still attached can’t rotate like that....... and the matching lobe looks like it might even be worse than the other one.

I’ve never seen one fail quite that way before.

I’m actually thinking along the lines of YR on this one.
Lobes started failing first, then after there’s a healthy groove on the nose of the lobe, the lifters starts tracking in that ever worsening trough, which sets of some sort of twisting or oscillating motion, which starts working on the link bars and rivets.

With the limited amount of info I have to go on....... I think the cam went first, or started to go first.

You two may be right, I will have Brian post pics of the 2 lifter wheels. The one that turned sideways is ground tapered across the wheel, while the one with the link bar still attached is more rounded across the wheel.

I hope to pull the motor tomorrow, and we can put up pics of the cam.